Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems

About Us

The Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS) conducts research in the field of modern decision support methods, integrating information technology, artificial intelligence, and operations research. The main research interests include the development of tools for preference discovery and analysis, multicriteria decision support (including multicriteria optimization), and advanced machine learning. The department develops sophisticated methods for decision analysis and support, applicable in various domains, including medicine, economics, technology, and environmental protection.

The head of the department is dr. hab. inż. Miłosz Kadziński, prof. PUT

Department employees


The department's research focuses on the following key areas:

  • Preference learning and robustness analysis,
  • Multicriteria decision support and multicriteria optimization,
  • Data envelopment analysis,
  • Machine learning methods utilizing preference representations and explicit knowledge representation,
  • IDSS-specific methods and tools tailored for selected domains, such as economics, management, or medicine.