
Wszyscy pracownicy


prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Błażewicz

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3000

prof. dr hab. inż. Maciej Drozdowski

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 2981

prof. dr hab. inż. Piotr Formanowicz

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3028

prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Jaszkiewicz

Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems

61 665 2933

prof. dr hab. inż. Joanna Józefowska

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 2369

prof. dr hab. inż. Marta Kasprzak

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3028

prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Krawiec

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 3061

prof. dr hab. Andrzej Marciniak

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 2984

prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Nawrocki

Department of Software Engineering

61 665 2980

prof. dr hab. inż. Roman Słowiński

Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems

61 665 2902

prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Stefanowski

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 2933

prof. dr hab. inż. Małgorzata Sterna

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 2982

prof. dr hab. inż. Marta Szachniuk

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3030

prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Urbaniak

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 2905

prof. zw. dr hab. inż.  Jan Węglarz

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 2901


dr hab. inż. Maciej Antczak, prof. PUT

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3056

dr hab. inż. Dariusz Brzeziński, prof. PUT

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 3057

dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Dembczyński

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 2936

dr hab. inż. Miłosz Kadziński, prof. PUT

Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems

61 665 3022

dr hab. inż. Anna Kobusińska, prof. PUT

Department of Information Systems

61 665 2964

dr hab. inż. Maciej Komosiński, prof. PUT

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 2931

dr hab. inż. Wojciech Kotłowski, prof. PUT

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 2936

dr hab. inż. Agnieszka Ławrynowicz, prof. PUT

Department of Data Processing Technologies

61 665 3026

dr hab. inż. Piotr Łukasiak, prof. PUT

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3033

dr hab. inż. Marek MikaDepartment of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 3024

dr hab. inż. Mikołaj Morzy, prof. PUT

Department of Data Processing Technologies

61 665 2961

dr hab. inż. Jędrzej Musiał, prof. PUT

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3031

dr hab. inż. Mirosław Ochodek, prof. PUT

Department of Software Engineering

61 665 2944

dr hab. inż. Tomasz Pawlak

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 3022

61 665  2989

dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Pawlak

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 2982

dr hab. inż. Rafał Różycki, prof. PUT

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 3025

dr hab. inż. Agnieszka Rybarczyk

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3029

dr hab. inż. Robert Susmaga

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 2934

dr hab. inż. Izabela Szczęch

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 2930

dr hab. inż. Szymon Szczęsny, prof. PUT

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 2297

dr hab. inż. Paweł Śniatała, prof. PUT

Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems

61 665 2399

dr hab. inż. Aleksandra Świercz

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3030

dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Waligóra, prof. PUT

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 3024

dr hab. inż. Bartosz Walter

Department of Software Engineering

61 665 2980

dr hab. inż. Szymon Wilk, prof. PUT

Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems

61 665 2930

dr hab. inż. Paweł Tomasz Wojciechowski, prof. PUT

Department of Information Systems

61 665 2021

dr hab. inż. Marek Wojciechowski, prof. PUT

Department of Data Processing Technologies

61 665 2962

dr hab. inż. Robert Wrembel, prof. PUT

Department of Data Processing Technologies

61 665 2991

dr hab. inż. Maciej Zakrzewicz, prof. PUT

Department of Data Processing Technologies

61 665 2993

dr hab. inż. Piotr Zielniewicz

Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems

61 665 2935

dr hab. inż. Tomasz Żok, prof. PUT

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3037

dr hab. Agnieszka Żmieńko

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3100


dr inż. Witold Andrzejewski

Department of Data Processing Technologies

61 665 2965

dr inż. Ariel Antonowicz

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 2924

dr inż. Michał Apolinarski

Department of Information Systems

61 665 3992

dr Rafał Bachorz

Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems


dr inż. Serhii Baraban

Department of Data Processing Technologies

61 665 2960

dr inż. Jarosław Bąk

Department of Data Processing Technologies

61 665 3711

dr inż. Bartosz Bębel

Department of Data Processing Technologies

61 665 2826

dr inż. Tomasz Bilski

Department of Information Systems

61 665 2554

dr inż. Iwo Błądek

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 3058

dr inż. Paweł Boiński

Department of Data Processing Technologies

61 665 2965

dr inż. Marcin Borowski

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3032

dr inż. Grażyna Brzykcy

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 3724

dr inż. Krzysztof Bucholc

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3991

dr Juan Carrascoza Mayén

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3032

dr inż. Wojciech Complak

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 2983

dr inż. Arkadiusz Danilecki

Department of Information Systems

61 665 2964

dr inż. Wojciech Frohmberg

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3053

dr inż. Anna Grocholewska-Czuryło

Department of Information Systems

61 665 3531

dr inż. Izabela Janicka-Lipska

Department of Information Systems

61 665 3992

dr inż. Krzysztof Jankiewicz

Department of Data Processing Technologies

61 665 2960

dr inż. Beata Jankowska

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3724

dr inż. Juliusz Jezierski

Department of Data Processing Technologies

61 665 2961

dr inż. Michał Kalewski

Department of Information Systems

61 665 2370

dr inż. Rafał Klaus

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 2574

dr inż. Jan Kniat

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 2981

dr inż. Tadeusz Kobus

Department of Information Systems

61 665 2943

dr inż. Macie Kokociński

Department of Information Systems

61 665 2943

dr inż. Jan Kończak

Department of Information Systems

61 665 2942

dr inż. Sylwia Kopczyńska

Department of Software Engineering

61 665 2944

dr inż. Tomasz Koszlajda

Department of Data Processing Technologies

61 665 2960

dr inż. Marek Kropidłowski

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 2297

dr inż. Anna Labijak-Kowalska

Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems

61 665 2997

dr inż. Mateusz Lango

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 2124

dr inż. Anna Leśniewska

Department of Data Processing Technologies

61 665 2826

dr inż. Ewa Łukasik, prof. PUT

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 2922

dr inż. Tomasz Łukaszewski

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 2920

dr Maciej Machowiak

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 2982

dr inż. Jakub Marszałkowski

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 2997

dr inż. Krzysztof Martyn

Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems

61 665 2433

dr inż. Irmina Masłowska

Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems

61 665 2931

dr inż. Adam Meissner

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 3724

dr inż. Michał Melosik

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 2504

dr inż. Agnieszka Mensfelt

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 2934

dr inż. Artur Michalski

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 2923

dr inż. Grzegorz Miebs

Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems


dr inż. Maciej Miłostan

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 2978

dr Paweł Misiorek

Department of Data Processing Technologies

61 665 3958

dr inż. Mariusz Naumowicz

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 2504

dr inż. Mariusz Nowak

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 2921

dr inż. Maciej Piernik

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 3057

dr inż. Jędrzej Potoniec

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 2936

dr inż. Bartłomiej Prędki

Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems

61 665 2932

dr inż. Marcin Radom

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3029

dr inż. Cezary Sobaniec

Department of Information Systems

61 665 2370

dr inż. Mikołaj Sobczak

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 3059

dr inż. Andrzej Stroiński

Department of Information Systems

61 665 2371

dr inż. Andrzej Szwabe

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 3958

dr inż. Michał Szychowiak, prof. PUT

Department of Information Systems

61 665 2964

dr inż. Michał Tomczyk

Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems

61 665 3020

dr inż. Andrzej Urbański

Department of Software Engineering

61 665 2984

dr inż. Rafał Walkowiak

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 2574

dr inż. Dariusz Wawrzyniak

Department of Information Systems

61 665 2964

dr inż. Dawid Wiśniewski

Department of Data Processing Technologies

61 665 2997

dr inż. Paweł Wojciechowski

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3031

dr inż. Adam Wojciechowski

Department of Software Engineering

61 665 2983

dr inż. Przemysław Zakrzewski

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 2921

dr inż. Arkadiusz Zimniak

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 3025

dr inż. Krzysztof Zwierzyński

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3755


mgr inż. Jan Badura

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems


mgr inż. Bartłomiej Banachowicz

Department of Software Engineering


mgr inż. Piotr Baryczkowski

Department of Machine Learning


mgr inż. Luiza Budzyńska

Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems

61 665 2951

mgr inż. Jakub Dutkiewicz

Department of Data Processing Technologies

61 665  3714

mgr inż. Piotr Giera

Department of Machine Learning

61 665  2925

mgr inż. Adam Godziński

Department of Information Systems

61 665 2997

mgr inż. Marco Grillo

Department of Machine Learning


mgr inż. Jan Gruszczyński

Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems


mgr inż. Dariusz Grynia

Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems

61 665 3060

mgr inż. Damian Huderek

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 2997

mgr inż. Mateusz Kałamoniak

Institute of Computing Science

61 665 2922

mgr inż. Wojciech Kasperski

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 2942

mgr inż. Eryk Kosmala

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems


mgr inż. Piotr Krzyżagórski

Institute of Computing Science

61 665 2952

mgr inż. Norbert Langner

Department of Information Systems

61 665 2371

mgr inż. Artur Laskowski

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 2997

mgr inż. Tomasz Lemański

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 2073

mgr inż. Mateusz Leszek

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 2924

mgr inż. Iwo Lewandowski

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3043

mgr inż. Michał Maćkowiak

Department of Software Engineering

61 665 2944

mgr inż. Maciej Majchrzak

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 2942

mgr inż. Magdalena Martyn

Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems

61 665 2997

mgr inż. Konrad Miazga

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 3058

mgr inż. Piotr Miklosik

Department of Software Engineering

61 665 3434

mgr inż. Iwo Naglik

Institute of Computing Science

61 665 2997

mgr inż. Oskar Niżnik

Department of Information Systems

61 665 3531

mgr inż. Roman Oberenkowski

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 2364

mgr inż. Zuzanna Piniarska

Institute of Computing Science

61 665 2922

mgr Piotr Poznaniak

Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems

61 665 2994

mgr Anna Prus

Institute of Computing Science

61 665 2976

mgr inż. Joanna Puchalska

Institute of Computing Science

61 665 2999

mgr Agnieszka Skiba

Institute of Computing Science

61 665 2997

mgr inż. Rafał Skowroński

Department of Information Systems

61 665 2997

mgr Magdalena Sroczan

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 2922

mgr inż. Sylwester Swat

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 2997

mgr inż. Bartłomiej Szawulak

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3053

mgr inż. Joanna Szewczyk

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 2926

mgr inż. Bogumiła Szubert

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems


mgr inż. Konrad Szychowiak

Department of Information Systems


mgr Mateusz Twardawa

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 2997

mgr inż. Piotr Wawrzyniak

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 3041

mgr inż. Dominik Witczak

Department of Algorithm Theory and Programming Systems

61 665 2997

mgr inż. Marek Wydmuch

Department of Machine Learning

61 665 3430

mgr inż. Bartosz Zgrzeba

Department of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

61 665 2925

mgr Karolina Zwiewka-Grzybulska

Institute of Computing Science

61 665 2950

mgr inż. Michał Żurkowski

Institute of Computing Science

61 665 2997

inż. Mateusz Cieślak

Institute of Computing Science

61 665 2952

inż. Stanisław Graczyk

Institute of Computing Science

61 665 2399

inż. Mateusz Napiórkowski

Institute of Computing Science


inż. Wiktoria Szymańska

Institute of Computing Science