Department of Information Systems

About Us

The members of the Department of Information Systems conduct research in a broad range of distributed systems, computer networks, and cybersecurity, addressing a comprehensive set of challenges related to the design and operation of modern, distributed, efficient, scalable, reliable, and highly available information systems.

Our research interests focus on the following areas:

  • Issues in concurrent processing,
  • Reliability and consistency in distributed, cloud, and edge computing systems,
  • Internet technologies and network services,
  • Monitoring and management of distributed systems with automation mechanisms,
  • Information system security,
  • Exploration of distributed business processes.

The head of the department is dr. hab. inż. Anna Kobusińska, prof. PUT.

Department site

Department employees


The department consists of three research laboratories, whose members conduct studies related to the following topics:

Laboratory of Distributed Computing (led by dr. hab. inż. Anna Kobusińska)

  • Reliability in distributed computing, particularly replication models and state recovery,
  • High-reliability mechanisms,
  • Management of distributed, cloud, and edge systems,
  • Distributed data exploration,
  • Network technologies,
  • Blockchain technology,
  • Processing of large datasets,
  • Distributed recommendation systems,
  • Intelligent edge computing.

Laboratory of Concurrent Systems (led by dr. hab. inż. Paweł T. Wojciechowski)

  • Theory of concurrent and distributed systems,
  • Semantics of programming languages,
  • Formal verification, process calculi, type systems.

Laboratory of Cryptography and Cybersecurity (led by dr. inż. Anna Grocholewska-Czuryło)

  • Design and evaluation of symmetric cryptographic algorithms,
  • Randomness assessment and efficiency of round key generators,
  • Quantum and post-quantum cryptography.